Information About Incident 147-251-495 in Mandla India

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Two senior police officers narrowly escaped death in Madhya Pradesh, on March 27, when an explosion triggered by armed leftwing radical extremists, Naxalites, went off after the car of one of the police officers left the scene of the blast and that of another did not reach the place yet.

From this sentence, the following information was extracted.


This data was extracted from the following paragraph of the newspaper clippings.

Two senior police officers narrowly escaped death in Madhya Pradesh, on March 27, when an explosion triggered by armed leftwing radical extremists, Naxalites, went off after the car of one of the police officers left the scene of the blast and that of another did not reach the place yet. No casualties were reported in the exchange of fire that followed between the police and naxalites.

Event ID Date Country Storyhead
147-251-495 3/28/2000 India Naxals exchange fire with police in Madhya Pradesh

The original source are newspaper clippings and extracts collected by the South Asian Terrorism Portal.

Geocode of Incident

Note: incidences are geocoded by the district centroid.

Related Incidents

In the same newspaper clipping is further information on the events:

Event ID Date Country Act District
147-251-495 3/28/2000 India attack Mandla