Information About Incident 42909-82622-206541 in Gaya India

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Around 200 armed cadres of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) attacked a Government toll plaza at Mahapur in Gaya District and shot dead a private security guard and looted 25 weapons including rifles, carbines and ammunition on March 23, reported Outlook India.

From this sentence, the following information was extracted.


This data was extracted from the following paragraph of the newspaper clippings.

Around 200 armed cadres of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist) attacked a Government toll plaza at Mahapur in Gaya District and shot dead a private security guard and looted 25 weapons including rifles, carbines and ammunition on March 23, reported Outlook India. During the attack, Maoists opened fire indiscriminately and hurled bombs.

Event ID Date Country Storyhead
42909-82622-206541 3/24/2010 India Maoists kill private security guard in Bihar
42909-82622-206541 3/24/2010 India Maoists kill private security guard in Bihar

The original source are newspaper clippings and extracts collected by the South Asian Terrorism Portal.

Geocode of Incident

Note: incidences are geocoded by the district centroid.

Related Incidents

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42909-82622-206541 3/24/2010 India attack Gaya
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