Information About Incident 58295-115891-293558 in Dir Pakistan

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Barawal peace militia chief, Malik Gul Zada, was shot dead by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants Sabar check-point on Pak-Afghan border in Upper Dir District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the evening of October 10, reports The Express Tribune.

From this sentence, the following information was extracted.


This data was extracted from the following paragraph of the newspaper clippings.

Barawal peace militia chief, Malik Gul Zada, was shot dead by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants Sabar check-point on Pak-Afghan border in Upper Dir District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the evening of October 10, reports The Express Tribune. A report filed by Bacha Zada, son of Malik Gul Zada, stated that his father was shot dead while he was patrolling the area. According to initial reports, the accused fled across the border after killing the chief. Talking to the journalists from an undisclosed location, TTP Malakand chapter spokesperson Sirajuddin claimed responsibility for the killing.

Event ID Date Country Storyhead
58295-115891-293558 10/12/2012 Pakistan TTP militants kill Barawal peace militia chief in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The original source are newspaper clippings and extracts collected by the South Asian Terrorism Portal.

Geocode of Incident

Note: incidences are geocoded by the district centroid.

Related Incidents

In the same newspaper clipping is further information on the events:

Event ID Date Country Act District
58295-115891-293558 10/12/2012 Pakistan kill Dir