Information About Incident 58407-116187-294265 in Jammu India

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Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM) militant, Junaid Akram Malik, who was one of the accused wanted by the National Investigating Agency (NIA) in connection with September 7, 2011, Delhi High Court blast case, has reportedly been killed by HM commanders' Jehangir Saroori and Shakir Ahmad alias Chotta Haafiz somewhere in forest areas of Kishtwar District of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Daily Excelsior reported on October 17.

From this sentence, the following information was extracted.


This data was extracted from the following paragraph of the newspaper clippings.

Hizb-ul-Mujahideen (HM) militant, Junaid Akram Malik, who was one of the accused wanted by the National Investigating Agency (NIA) in connection with September 7, 2011, Delhi High Court blast case, has reportedly been killed by HM commanders Jehangir Saroori and Shakir Ahmad alias Chotta Haafiz somewhere in forest areas of Kishtwar District of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Daily Excelsior reported on October 17. A message to kill Malik had been passed on to Saroori and Haafiz by HM leadership after they managed to develop inputs that Junaid Akram Malik was going to surrender before Police, Police sources said.

Event ID Date Country Storyhead
58407-116187-294265 10/18/2012 India Delhi High Court blast accused HM militant Junaid Akram Malik reported killed by his own cadres in Kishtwar District of J&K

The original source are newspaper clippings and extracts collected by the South Asian Terrorism Portal.

Geocode of Incident

Note: incidences are geocoded by the district centroid.

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