Information About Incident 64843-131114-332486 in Chatra India

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Around 20 LWEs blew up the boundary wall belonging to a middle-school under Chutu panchayat (village level local-self government institution) using explosives.

From this sentence, the following information was extracted.


This data was extracted from the following paragraph of the newspaper clippings.

Naxals [Left-Wing Extremists (LWEs)] have damaged the boundary wall of a Government school in Gomia block of Bokaro District on August 12, reports The Daily Pioneer. Around 20 LWEs blew up the boundary wall belonging to a middle-school under Chutu panchayat (village level local-self government institution) using explosives. They also assaulted a local villager.

Event ID Date Country Storyhead
64843-131114-332486 8/14/2013 India Naxals destroy school building wall in Jharkhand

The original source are newspaper clippings and extracts collected by the South Asian Terrorism Portal.

Geocode of Incident

Note: incidences are geocoded by the district centroid.

Related Incidents

In the same newspaper clipping is further information on the events:

Event ID Date Country Act District
64843-131114-332486 8/14/2013 India attack Chatra